Based in the Mudhinepalli region of India, Pastor Prabhu das Katikala, his wife Suseela das Katikala, and their two sons, Joseph Karun Katikala and Prabhu Charan Katikala, work in and around the area spreading the message of Jesus Christ. Pastor Prabhu is a well educated man as he holds a doctorate degree from Faith Theological College and Seminary – Bangalore, in addition to being a government certified marriage register and the President of God‘s Love international india and 25 churches , Having been in the ministry for 34 years, Pastor Prabhu comes from a line of ministers going 150 years back.
Their passion has remained strong, to see the lost come into a relationship with Christ and know the message of God‘s love for all people. It is his personal goal to establish 100 churches by teaching others the Word of God. And making disciplies , and Provide food water and shelter to needy , their passion will be continuing through there sons and generations.
Needs & Opportunities
Financial Needs-
School Education Fees: $6000
Rental Kiosk Sponsors: $8000
Funding for Books: $1000
Child Sponsorship: $450 per year
Staff Allowance Sponsorship: $500